Monday, April 14, 2008

So ... anyway.

So, about four months ago I slapped up my first post on this thingerydoo, and haven't been back since.

Surprisingly, this is not actually the result of sloth on my part (or at least, not entirely). I have actually been working on the show, there just hasn't been too much to post about. It's true that about the only thing duller than listening to people talk about their dreams is listening to them talking about their work, and I guess I kind of instinctively don't want to put up blog posts about how today, I typed four new pages and had an interesting insight into one of my characters, because, well. Who cares?

However, there have been a couple of small, actual developments worth noting: First, the composer I wanted to work with has agreed to do it! There's the small drawback that he lives in California and I live in New York, but at this point, that's not even going to be an issue until it's time to do a sample CD, so I'm not exactly sweating that.

The second thing is that I've decided to do this:, and it's kind of lit a small fire under my ass. I've been working a little more dutifully, and am up to about 28 pages of what I hope will eventually be no more than about a 60-page script. That's 60 pages of book, before music and lyrics. The good news is that by that metric, I'm almost halfway done! The bad news is, I'm nowhere near the end of first act, and there really isn't anything that can be cut so far. Which is a little unnerving, and exactly what I was afraid would happen.

The third thing is that I've discovered that the author of one of the books I read as part of my research for this project has a website, and apparently accepts personal e-mail through the site. This may eventually prove very helpful, if she can point me in the direction of some more detailed information regarding a particular aspect of the story that I've been unclear about up to now (gosh, this is so mysterious, isn't it?).

Anyway, at this point I'm thinking I may start visiting this blog a bit more regularly. So, probably I'll be back again some time in June.

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